It is surprising how much vehicle can be rented for $27. This is a 2010 Ford Expedition XLT, a 5843lb beast that is a challenge to fit in any parking space. Parked with tires touching a city curb, it looked like it was abandoned mid-street when compared against an adjacent Honda Civic. Although impressively powerful in an absolute sense (310hp), the terrible power-weight ratio makes our Jeep a better performer. This Ford gets 14mpg in the city.
In the background, the Lucky Peak Dam impounds the Boise River, and surprisingly, generates power for Seattle City Light (and our household, 400mi away). It is capable of producing 87.5MW, which is the combined power of 378 Ford Excursions. Its embankment reads KEEP YOUR FORESTS GREEN.
In the background, the Lucky Peak Dam impounds the Boise River, and surprisingly, generates power for Seattle City Light (and our household, 400mi away). It is capable of producing 87.5MW, which is the combined power of 378 Ford Excursions. Its embankment reads KEEP YOUR FORESTS GREEN.
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